Untitled Page 77
I know will be good because it is
to be made at a home bakery in
Palo Alto where I got Ora's birthday cake
that was delicious, for extra [emergence?]
cakes I can get excellent walnut
wafers from Pine [Cortage?] both places
are run by women in need of work
so I am going to divide the order
between them. The ice-cream is not
yet decided upon. Friday "As You
Like it" was given near Escondito Cottag.
It was not so very good - the trees
not being thick enough to give distance
or protection to the actors, & the company
were ameteur. Rosalind was played
by a Miss French whom I uesed to know
when visiting Grace [DeL?] in Santa Cruz
We sat right in the front row & she
recognized me but I was so stupid
as not to smile back. She did very
very well though she did not remind
me much of [Modjerlsa?]. It was very
trying for the actors to be in the [illegible]
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