Untitled Page 76
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] Nov. 10 [typed] 189 [written] '95
My dearest Nannie -
Theodora went down
yesterday to stay over Sunday with the
Mabury's and I didn't go because it
was a dollars more expense than I
wanted to indulge in. It seems as
if half the university were gone without
[me?] but your letter came and was
so good and such a treat I should just
like to eat you up. About the only
excitement on hand is the preperation
for a Roble reception to be given to
the boys ten weeks from yesterday. There
receptions have always been very stiff &
unpopular & not they all making a
great effort to make them a success.
I find myself on the receptiv refreshment
committee, and I am determined to
have the poor youths well fed, so
yesterday scoured Palo Alto for [bids?]
for ice cream and cake. The cake
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