Untitled Page 73
excitement. I accepted an
invitation of the Delt Tau
Delta's to a dramatic
[illegible] & danc.e I had
such a funny time. I
seemed to monopolize all
the engaged or at least very
[illegible] men. My first
dance with Guy Cochran
while Alice Conru sat it out
refreshments with somebody
the who is very attentive to
one of the girls, & my last
dance & one other with another
engaged man - The interims
were danced with various
& sundry Taus etc and
the whole evening was one
of the funniest medlys
imaginable. The farce was
very vute & pretty as well
as a dramatic recital by
one of the boys. The Browning
class is such a treat, I
never enjoyed anything
more - and I love Prof.
Anderson. Last Sunday,
he read the "Confession,"
"Respectability", Christina
& one or two other, just to
give us a taste of the
shorter poems, the rest
was a talk & sketch of
Browning. In French we
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