Untitled Page 70



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over night and possibly until Monday.
She is just the sweetest girl and is always
so nice to me. I have just re-read your letter
and find that this sample is like your
black skirt which I think can't help but be
a very handsome one. I received back last
week my French examination paper on which I
received 'Good' and was very thankful to
get this as I had feared I had made too many
mistakes even to merit that.

We had a veyr good
sermon by Roble's [Voorsanger?] - the [illegible]
you say? He is very liberal and I
was most surprised to hear him speak of
Christ as he did with so much reverence.
I think he must be a great liberator to
his race.

We have been having extremely warm
days. Such unusual weather for the latter
part of November. I have had to take off
my flannels which I had put on quite a
while ago but have been perfectly miserable
until I got out of them. There is a great
deal of trepedation for fear this fine weather
forebodes rain for the Thanksgiving foot ball
game. I think Rose would very much like to see

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