Untitled Page 67
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189
[written] I feel quite repaid for my trouble. We had
strawberry ice-cream and pine-apple ice with
home-made walnut wafers. The reception was
a great success. Theodora wore her lavender &
I my new waist. Next Monday Encina has
invited Roble over to eat a Thanks giving dinner
with them. In the history of the University is only
the second thing Encina has ever done, and no-
doubt it will be a very nice thing. To-day there
are just twenty girls in the hall - two of them
had boxes send from home and they gave a
Thanks giving dinner to us all - chicken cranberry
cake nuts fruit cocoa & all the pretty dishes
& silver ware the Hall could offer. One of the girls
& I did the decorating with scarlet geraniums &
massed in the center & honeysuckle spraying
to the corners. The dinner cards were foot balls
painted on paper. Mr. Peete had service at
eight o'clock - before the train left, and [illegible]
& I walked over to it. When we got back I
curled up and finished Ruthon's Hope's "Prisoner
of Zenda". Have you read it? It seems to me
to be a very good blood & thunder fairy tale.
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