Untitled Page 66



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through my head so if this letter resolves itself
into a medley of "When all the people from
round about
With cardinal ribbon come out to shout
When we put Berkely up the spout
And Cochran kicked the goal
or poor old Berkely -
Berkely [illegible]
Poor deluded Berkely
tra la la la la
[illegible] banner is the cardinal
The color true and bold
That never lost a victory
or bowed to blue and gold"

It is simply pouring, though the weather for
all the practice game, has been [illegible]. Really
all month we have had the most perfect
days, bright & clear, just cold enough to make
life snappy. I have walked to Palo Alto
nearly every. I was on the refreshment committee
for the Roble reception to the boys; rather I was
the committee. I thought at the time that I
would never act in that capacity again, but
as the refreshment were better than they ever had
before, and there was more than enough to go
around, and I didn't run them into debt

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