Untitled Page 65
[written] Thanksgiving [typed] 189 [written] 5
My dearest Nannie -
This is a day in gray, gray
[illegible], gray [illegible], gray trees, even the leaves
are gray as I look out of the window where Irma
curled up on the sofa cushions, with the warpper
on that you made me, it is such a [illegible]
[illegible] that I have my flannels on and want
something to lounge in. All morning I have
felt very virtuous & holy because I could not go
to the big game, and I suppose I had looked as
glum as such self esteem calls for, but this
afternoon I am reversing my [opium?] and
am fast concluding that it was the most
sensible & natural thing in the world and
that I am the most egotistical puff of conceit
that ever [illegible]. The whole university is in
'Frisco to-day, an eight train all draped in
red & tooting the Stanford yell left here at
eight o'clock. One of the girls is going to
telegraph me as soon as the game is over.
Gracious! I wonder what the score will be!
I don't see how the statues in the museum
can refrain from leaping off from sheer
excitement. Snatches of foot-balls songs keep going
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