Untitled Page 46
"what I shall expect of my room-mate." Even I ought to
pass but whether I would or not is always another question
The "French Revolution" is fast assuming a prodigious
shape. There is a vast amount of reading to be done
in it but it is very interesting. Saw Mrs. Wilson today
She was sorry not to have seen you but well understood
how you were hurried. Caught an sent down to Rose
a most dowdy hat - just the kind she always
makes to order. I ought to have remembered my
trials with her. But tomorrow Marguerite is coming
down to stay all night - then Rose is going back
with her Saturday to be filled and return the hat.
I think I am going to like mine very much. It
is plain and therefore what I like. I succeeded in
getting all your P.P.C.'s off by Monday, so that is
all attended to.
Sunday Evening -
I must confess to studying
French Revolution nearly all day. We are to have
an examination next week, and the subject is
so comprehensive! Rose and Marguerite [illegible]
to the city Saturday. Rose exchanging her
hat for one that I like much better. It is a
flat crowned & flat [rimmed?] hat with cock feathers
black & white egrette - & black and white ribbon in it.
Rose says her waist is to be a beauty, Kate Staples
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