Untitled Page 41
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[written] 5.
[written] train to find Miss Bessie Blossom
who had gone down with us in
the morning, and also dear
[illegible] Mrs. Jerohman & Prof.
Jerohman. Isn't she beautiful?
I told her about you & Aunt
Clara & Uncle Lewison's going,
& she & Prof. Jerohman asked
[illegible] & me to come & see
them, & they would meet us
when ever we would let them
[illegible]. And they promised to
see us whenever they came to
the university. The ride down
was very short and I reached
Roble just in time for dinner.
After dinner, Theodora and
I accepted a Kappa Kappa
Gamma (girl`s fraternity) in-
vitation to go for a moonlight
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