Untitled Page 34




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[written] Sunday Evening.
September 29- '95.


[written] My darling Nannie -

Theodora is
studying out loud with one of the
girls, so if my letters is mixed
up with the "Tiers Etat" or any
other French Revolutionary [illegible],
don't be surprised. This week
has been a very full one - Sunday,
Alice Hayes and I went over
to Palo Alto to church and
had such a good sermon from
dear Mr Pietr - he is a grand
upholder of the church, and
his simple service I already
feel I cannot go without. Monday
was a day of lectures and Tuesday
I was astonished to see Kate
Stabler, Edna [Berman?], and
Rowena Beaus in the quadrangle.
Kate had stopped off from
a visit to San Jose, and Edna
had come with her. Edna

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