Untitled Page 32



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My dear Nannie - It is 3:45 P.M. and I am sitting at my drawing desk supposed to be
drawing - but I have finished my model - and am waiting for Prof. Clark to come
around and criticise it; so have nothing else to scribble you a line on but this scrap
of paper which I have spoiled for any drawing purpose. Whether this will
amount to enough of a little to send will depend entirely upon how long it takes
Prof. C. to get around the class so I must write fast. Rose has prob-
ably told you that I went down Saturday to stay until Monday
with Mrs. Mabury. Rose felt that her tins[?] examinations would keep
her too busy to afford the time; so I had to go alone. Went down on the
8:10 train with Miriam Maclaren. My teeth had gotten so yellow with
the bad water and hating to brush them in it that I went straight
to Mrs. Manns and had her clean them, which she did, and now they look
quite white again. Then went out to Jeanines - all the rest of the family
being in S.F. for the day. Carlotta having a yellow satin gown made to
wear to Eva Hunter's wedding as she is to be her bridesmaid. Won't she
look regal! I had a very pleasant afternoon with Jeanine, we went
driving. and got back just as Mrs. Mabury arrived. Carlotta & Bella staying
until a late train.. Sunday afternoon Carlotta - Bella & I - with a Miss
Phelps went to drive. We found ourselves out by the Bartowe's new home,
so we went in and had a very pleasant call. Grace played for us - and
so sweetly and soulfully. Their home is built cheaply - rough wood
finish inside - no plants - but the beams and odd corners & nooks

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