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dismount with ease to say nothing
of colliding with equal felicity
with my partner Mr. McNiel. We
had an awfully jolly time.

Saturday Laura & Grace Clark came
down in the morning to study but
we went to the Sophomore & Freshman
football game & had another good
time. In the afternoon Bessie
Blossom, [illegible] Macintosh &
I went over to the Nurseries. but
Mr. Wight has gone to New York
to study law, so it wasn't any
fun. to look at the mummies &
jugs. In the evening quite against
my will, I went to the Fresh. -
Sophomore receptions & had only
a "fair to middlin" time. It was
some fun to [illegible] the little Freshmen
but that was all. Their badges
were a minature bag of salt &
the sophs. were a little red
[illegible]-board. I, as an Xmas
Junior needed no badge!
This morning Edith Straight, Kit
Haskell & Alice Hayes & I
went to Palo Alto to church
& stayed to communion. Miss

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