Untitled Page 28
[written] Sunday Evening
oct. 6. '95.
[written] My dear Nannie -
I have just two sheets
of paper left so will take an exercise
in condensing. One of your postals,
the [illegible] Platte, one did not reach
us till to-night as it was taken from
the box by one of the girls who misplaced it
another that your letter refered to
has not come to us yet. How crowded
with human experience your [illegible]
was. I am so glad you arrived
safe & sound & found poor Aunt
Tad [illegible] to keep her
mind occupied. Theodora and
I have had a happy week, [illegible]
out of the ordinary [illegible] till
Friday evening when four girls -
Edith Thaiglet, Kitty Haskell, Marylyn
Maine & D - and Herbert Thaight
A Mr Bell, & Young. & McNeel &
Strokere went out bicycle riding
by a harvest moon. It was the
most beautiful thing I ever did.
It was as bright as day and
we rode clear to Redwood City
and back - fifteen miles! Before
we got home I could mount &
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