Untitled Page 26
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189
was the jolliest day of all. Theodora and I took
the 8.30 train for S.F. We went first & got my
cape which is repaired beautifully for $2.50 & looks
as good as new - no new fur but old repaired. Then
I went to Miss Ostrander's. The waist was not
done, but barely even in embryo state. It is to
to be finished Wednesday. Theodora talked with
Fred who gives us a feeling of security, he
advises us to consult either Judge Wynch or
Judge Rhodes & is going to consult with Mr. Garbey
himself & investing all accounts with Theodora Thursday
Then Theodora and I had chicken paltee at
the Woman's Exchange. Then we did an errand
& two & by way of "spontaneous variation" bought
gallery tickets for 35[cents] for "Trilby". I never
enjoyed anything more in my life. The play
was strong & well acted. It was most as much
fun as discovering the Maitland house, to
go up and up the gallery stairs not [illegible]
whether we would get [illegible] a smoking, quin-
chewing mob or not but we found our selves
in the midst of fashionable respectability &
had such a good time. We left just before the
last act to see Louise, but we missed the
5.31 train so [illegible] the 6.30. Alice [illegible] &
[page turned]
See Prof. Hearts
again about
the photos. I
[illegible] Miss Mc
K[illegible] in fair
[illegible] & she
sent her love
to you & said
she had heard
from you. Gertrude
wishes to hear
from you too.
She prizes her
dear little tray
you gave her
so much. She
is very well
& so is every
body. Give
warmest love
to Aunt Tad
& keep a big
hug for yourself.
I dont have time
to discuss lectures
with you much.
Your Toodles.
Your letter was
to good. Sent
Aunt Tad an
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