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quite forgotten the exact day of my birthday,
thinking I would forget it until the day was
past! but Rose this morning tumbled the
box of delicious nuts into my bed with your
good letter and I was made very happy. And
the sweet little points - just what I have wanted
and prettier than any of the girls wear.

O! I have had just the loveliest most unexpected kind
of a birthday! In the first place all my lectures were
perfectly enjoyable. But in Fr. Revolution, I missed Rose,
& wondered where she was, but when I went to our room at
noon, I knew the reason. It was sweet with flowers - two
exquisite bunches of violets - & ferns - one from Rose and
another from Alice Colt another dear girl. The pictures were
decorated [illegible] the loveliest two grape leaves - beautifully
autumned. Large white chrysanthemums in [illegible] pretty vase
& a most artistic sprangly bunch of small sun flowers
in the reading room. I was [illegible] over come - it was so
unexpected and so like Rose. In the afternoon Mrs.
Ballington-Booth the Salvation army woman spoke in
the Chapel to an immense audience. I was duly inspired,
but I always knew their work was a grand one. That was the
3rd treat. Afterwards I went to the library determined
to study but my mind was too full of other things and I
tho't by the time I had had the walk over to the hall I
could settle down to work there - but what was my

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