Untitled Page 19




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pretty becoming gown since the sleeves are stiffen[illegible] and
the skirt gored[?]. Rose let me wear the dainty little
lace "points" on my collar and I felt very dressed.
Night before last Rose & II went over to the Braleys on
invitation - just to have a pleasant evening with
the girls at the house. Prof.s Alledice[?] & Kellogg -
spent the evenint - They made Welch rare-bit -
played cards &c. And when we tho't it time to
come away Mrs. Braley wouldn't hear to it - & we
stayed all night much to our surprise. But
Miss Thompson didn't know we were out and Mrs. B.
would have taken offens if we had declined. I
think she is very anxious for us to join the
Cappa fraternity. - What do you think about it?
I am not going to join!! Tho' I think Rose
after all her adversion, is rather inclined to.
Bessie showed me a collection of Vickerey's
Missions of California - exquisite - photograveries[?]
or some thing in that order. And I immediately
thought of Miss Rhoda - wishing so much she
might have a set if she has not already been
satisfied in this direction. The next time I am
in S. F. I will see how much they are and
don't you think it would be a nice thing to give
her Christmas?

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