Untitled Page 8
so with a feeling of virtue that I never was
so good natured in my life - you know if I
were entrapped in a sluice box. I should be
comfortable and [illegible] the vain pretty. In
Milton we are studying the whole puritan
revolution so as to [illegible] Milton, and in
French Rev. we are just beginniing [illegible] Mirabeau[?]
I havent found out about Victor Hugo's poem
yet but shall soon. I shall [illegible] the rest of
this for extra ideas so - Good night
Your loving[?]
Tuesday - Dec. 17 - '95
I didn't realize this would be a Christmas letter
or I should have begun on more Christmasy paper.
[illegible] tell you about "Napoleon's Retreat from
[illegible]". I asked Prof. Anderson about it and he
said he had never published it but that he would
copy it for me - providing I would never let it get
into print as sometime he intended to publish
it. Of course I would not believe to his going to
so much trouble and he supplied me with pen
paper and the required[?] to copy it myself. As I
did so he glanced over my shoulder and read
the whole thing through. He said that he wrote it
one night when he was preparing a lecture on
Victor Hugo - he wanted some extract of his works
to illustrate with and the volume of translations was
so poor that he turned to this passage and trans-
lated it himself -a, he said, he thought he could
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