Untitled Page 6



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to it on the ground of its narrow, spying
foundation but we were in the minority. The vote
was also cast for some Glee[?] & Mandolin[?] tour[?]. it
was a mere dispute between the two clubs and
about the funniest thing I ever listened to.
Since then the only thing of very tremendous
importance was a report I had to give on Pyra[?]
in the Milton class, in which I did writing
more than [illegible] on my head a
quite chiding for not talking louder etc.
Friday night the chemical laboratory was
burned out owing to some one leaving the
gas lighted and the carelessness of the night
watch. Of course the building is not in the
least damaged but the loss of apparatus was
quite discouraging. The weather has been
enchanting, so bracing[?] and cold. till last
night we had a sudden storm. It was
the Roble girls sunday to decorate the alter
at church so Alice Hays and I started
early this morning and got some red
fresh washed berries and got them arranged
in time for service. Theodora and I got
such a lovely invitation from Marguerite to
spend the holidays at Rancho Sutter, and
one from Mrs Myrick[?], also from Gertrude.
The first we have decided not to accept on

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