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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [handwritten] Dec. 15 [typed] 189 [handwritten] 5

My dearest Nannie, -

Your letter came yesterday, it
was such a dear of you not to worry when
we had been so remiss in writing, but the
truth is both Theodora and I are busier than
two bees. Theodora especially with her extra paper
in Drawing. I am not having so many exams
as the professors are cutting them down. There
has been great excitmenet over cheating. Through the
very bold dishonesty of one girl and several boys in
the Economic department, it was discovered that
cheating was a very general practice among the
students. The girl was expelled as were three
boys, and public feeling ran high both for and
against. There was a meeting of the student body
last Wednesday where it was decided that a committee[?]
of seven students be appointed to be inferior to
that of the faculty on student affairs. When
any one was reported as being seen cheating the
name of the accuser and the accussed was to be
brought up in this lower court and judgment
should be passed as to whether appeal should be
made to the faculty committee. The meeting
was a very stormy one and quite an experience
in college life, but finally the vote was in
majority for such a cooperation with the faculty
in irradicating so grave an evil. We were opposed

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