Untitled Page 3




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[typed] Standford University, Cal. 189

about our pictures - but expect to see Mr. Heath
in the morning.

My Art History study is going to be just what
I have wanted. Our preliminary work in it ended
Friday when we had to go over to the black
smith shop - and weld iron, to get an idea of
the difficulties that the people in the iron
age had to contend with in making their
decorations. Now we are going to study early
Grecian art. Prof. Miller is to give us a
talk on Phidias.

The Syllabi came safely - and
many thanks. I will return them after
the exam. They came just in the nick
of time.

This afternoon, while I was
studying Mrs. Wilson come in bringing me
a little note and a tiny package from Mrs.
Howell. And what do you think was in it?
Just the daintiest ruby ring you ever saw. -
Wasn't it sweet and lovely of her and the girls!
It seems that Marine's husband is interested in
a ruby mine - She gave me the stone - [illegible] has it

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