Untitled Page 2



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but won't be done until Thursday. - Then having
the rest of the afternoon, our idle brains cast about
to see what we could do. - "Trilby" is having a
popular run now and many of the Profs. went up
to see it - Dr. Jordon & wife included - so we
decided if we could get cheap seats we would
go. The seats were a 1.00 [8?] a dollar & a half
but we managed to get good seats in the gallery
for 35[cents] and there were all respectable people
around us. It was in the 2nd gallery and
we didn't know what (at first) we were
getting into: but what was our astonishment
to see a number of our Stanford friends among
our neighbors! It is a very strong play -
and nothing improper in the presentation.
Rose[?] enjoyed every minute of it - but we
had to come away before the last act - in
order to catch our train and then missed
it. Hasn't that prevoking?

Louise Clark sent me last night
another picture of herself. She is devoted to
her camera and takes very good pictures.

I am afraid [illegible] will be discouraged

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