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[Typed] Stanford University, Cal. [handwritten] Oct. 13th - [typed] 189 [handwritten] 5.

My dear Annie -

Rah, rah rah, rah rah, rah,
rah rah rah - Stanford!!!

The second decision is rendered in favor
of Mrs. Stanford and the University -
Dr. Jordan was in San Francisco yesterday, and
on reaching Palo Alto - th boys had gotten
a hack - decorated it with chinese lanterns
and attaching a long rope it it, drew
him and Mrs. Jordan to Roble - (as many
as could get hold of the rope -) where he
made a very enthusiastic speech, closing
with the words - "The door of Stanford University will
never close"!

Rose and I missed it all except
the-bon-fire, for we missed th 5:30 train
and had to come on the 6:40. I had
gone up to talk with Fred a little. Rose
to [illegible] her waist - which is very pretty -

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