Untitled Page 279




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Mainz. From there to Worms of course we leave the river. Then the next
day we cut across it to Bensheim, follow down the edge of a ridge of mountains
to Heidelberg. So every mile from now on is really scenic, great to take slowly and
thoroughly with bikes. The whole distance would be an easy one day trip by car,
and you would miss most of the beauty unless you really took it slow. We
don't have that problem, and yet our distances are short enough that if we
don't have heavy headwinds we shouldn't get very tired, and should really
enjoy what we're seeing. And somewhere along the way we'll just get off
the bikes and lay on the grass for half and hour or more and drink in the
beautiful surroundings. Gosh, darling, I wish you could be here to share
this with me in person - not so much the bikes, for that's "a mans work", but
the experiences and the countryside. I sure hope someday we can come over
and see it together - not on a quick tour either, but traveling slow and
living cheap if we have to. I'd rather save on hotels and spend it on travel.
Maybe a fellowship will turn up! Who knows?, and we can surely hope!

Well, I've about run out of news, and I think I'll try to read some
Econ before bedtime, so g'night darling, and sweet dreams. XXX send
you all my fondest love until I can get there to give it in person! I
love you very much, sweetheart, and hold you in my dreams every night.
And in a little while I can hold you in my arms for real - Hot Dog!!!

G'night - I love you,
Your George

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