Untitled Page 179




Status: Complete


Hi again my darling,

For the second night in a row. Nothing special happened today, except that I got your wonderful, wonderful letter from Thursday evening (only 3 days again!, actually less since its postmarked 1:30 pm. Jan. 8). I've read it 3 times already and it warms my heart so very much. Just made to order after my sort of melancholy letter of last night. And I feel moved to try to write you every night, as often as possible. You can't imagine how special it is to me to find a letter in my box from you each day. I don't think you've missed but one yet (and that was the postman's fault, and I got a letter from Mom to compensate anyway). It just makes the day bright to get that 10 AM booster, of love from you. And I'm pretty sure it has the same effect on you, so I'll try to do better than I have so far (I hate to promise every day, because it will disappoint you when I miss, but that's what I have in mind.) And it's more fun too, to know that you can answer one of my letters in each of yours. That way it's really a conversation. I can just hear you playing the Dvorak, and I get the message. Glad to hear too that you and Mom are corresponding. And about the T.S., T.P. secret, I'm in terrible agony. PLEASE don't hold out any longer, or at least tell me how long I must wait if such is necessary. So exciting and I'll just bet it's something neat. You monkey, quit holding out on me! Or I'll spank you when I get back! Now then, are you sufficiently chastised? Well, speak up then!

Today was mostly just a class day. Anthro was quite good - a whole hour of discussion. Spindler is quite sharp and very interesting. We have a 4-8 page paper on a local family (analysis of family relations, etc.) due in about 5 weeks and then a larger effort on some specialized aspect of the culture of the [Removal?] or of Germany as a whole (to be integrated into panel discussions). No midterm and no final, so we don't have to do the readings quite so intensively. Oh, my schedule is Anthro at 8, Music at 9, mail at 9:50, German from 10-12 and chorus on T, Th from 4:15 to dinner. Music is going O.K., dealing so far with fundamental concepts, which should be valuable as I go to more concerts - as many as possible. (Incidentally, there's one coming this weekend, Sun. and Mon. nights, containing among other things Mussourgski's "Pictures at an Exhibition" and Brahms concerto in A minor for violin and cello, with

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