Untitled Page 109




Status: Complete

[gap] I spent the night walking about Rome. We had originally hoped to find a horse
[gap] carriage (a Hansome cab?) to ride around in and take up the Borghese gardens for
view of the city by night. But they were not to be found, it being supposedly to cold for the
horses (actually a beautiful night, quite comfortable). So instead we just walked around, going
first to the Fountain of Trevi (of "Three Coins in the Fountain" fame). I threw in my three
(fate, love, a good return to Rome) and tried some time exposures with my camera and met about
10 other kids from the group. Then on up the hill to the "Spanish Steps" and then a 45 minute
walk back across town to the hotel. Kind of fun just to wander around the town at night,
observe the people out walking and dining, etc.

Today it is again clear and beautiful outside (our luck is amazing!) and we have an
outdoor walking tour Renaissance, Baroque and Modern Rome. Then at 12:15 the long-awaited
audience with Pope John XXIII, time to wander through St. Peters aftwards. Then tonight
we go to the Verde opera "La Fortze del Destino" (The Force of Destiny). Another full
day ahead. Got to dress and run now.


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