4/ 234 [circled]
to try and keep warm, and looking like drowned rats.
Time to tell you I love you still, darling Wife. When I rid myself of this washed out feeling
I'll be a little more romantic. Luckily the scrap is over. The little cur has gone for his life. I can do no better just now than stay in comfort where I am. Its a beautiful spot. I know I'll enjoy it when I feel well enough to appreciate it. So go [going] to hospital would be to confine yourself to four walls in some uninviting base area with poor food. I'll stay yet.
I am intent on speaking out and getting into some better environment in non-combatant
work. After 4 Xmases in the field I can say I deserve it. Otherwise I want a transfer South. I'm just awaiting the opportunity. This place is safe enough now to see some of our bloated base wallahs up here.
Well darling I'll write more often now I'm feeling better. Love me darling & remember there's happiness ahead, won't you?
Your loving husband
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