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The burst must have split the night air for the corroboree ceased abruptly. And it began with "Silent Night"! I can see those chaps now clawing down mosquito nets.

Xmas Day I rallied sufficiently to enjoy my Turkey and plum duff. I tried all sorts of gargles and sodas to neutralise the quinine mouth and sour stomach. I hadn't been tempted to eat for days so the Turkey was a life-saver. Most of us were licking our chops (two of our 14 stoners wear mutton chop moustaches) when Bob Doyle sat down on
his bed to eat his. He'd spent an extra 5 minutes being meticulous about his ablutions, & fussing like a barber about to begin, sat down in a favourable position to attack the turkey. He jabbed at the gobbler smartly with his fork and to everyones horror it fell on the mud floor. The cooks scrubbed & washed it & bore it proudly back. BD ate the laundered remains with less finesse. We're laughing about it yet.

I've not smoked a packet of cigarettes this last fortnight. I hope to cut down on it too in future. I'm sure it gives me to coughing.

The rain has us wet. It doesn't fall, it drives down in drops as big as hail stones. Visibility at the height of a storm is only a hundred yards. Generally its too cold to walk in; running is what we resort to. I pity the carriers slipping & sliding on these mountains carrying their loads, & jogging

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