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It was apparent to the whites soon after they began that they were out of control & like bad weather is at times 'set in for the night'. They were well wound up at eleven oclock when I woke in my sleep. Then I heard suspicious sounds in the scrub near our shelter. I went to call the 3 sleeping with me but they were already up. In the dark I fell over an empty tin & all but forgot where my gun was. The twigs were crackling on a wide
arc & I took a guess they were strange dogs.

Then [...] we heard more barking. Heavy dogs of some sort. I went to bed again. Next interruption was a monstrous dog, the brute chilled me almost & for curiosity I gave it a burst. The outcome was comical & we still burst out laughing at odd moments whenever we happen to think of it. The two from my hut made a complicated manoeuvre & joined me in a moment. No movement from hut no 2 so I assume they're returning to sleep. Two of us tried to locate the dog's body but the spectre had gone. Then, dodging, and ducking furtively the others from hut 2 came up. Hell it must have been funny. Most of them had their weapons dismantled or misplaced & had spent an absolutely frantic five minutes trying to get their hands on something lethal. So they appeared like a footer team armed with souvenir bombs, rifles & guns and when I said it was 'dogs 'twas all' no one believed me.

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