Q52 Lieut AE Hooper
29 Dec 1943
Nancy, my darling, I feel I must come back to you soon or pine away. All my spirit and strength seems to be ebbing away unless this is the reaction now things are quiet. For nearly 10 days I've got up to work in the morning only to spend the afternoon in bed. Now you have the reason why I've not written, and now like Cinderella I must finish this letter before noon.
Xmas Day was really celebrated this year. The unit across the gully sang carols, went to
Church service, dined on Turkey; ham, & plum pudding, and ended the day with a concert. Our boys were asked by a few wags to put on a show. They intended to make it a 50/50 show but our nigs saw otherwise. In fact the early encouragement decided all of the boys to roll up. Imagine a handful of inexperienced whites trying to compere a corroboree of these savages. The whites began by singing "Silent Night" & our devils applauded them enthusiastically. Then the fun began. They brought out their cannibal junkery & plastered their faces grotesquely. (Red clay, flowers, and Comforts Fund Foot Powder) the dance was on. Four drums weren't enough, so they belted flour & biscuit tins instead.
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