imagine him married, can you? He was disappointed he missed you, you said you missed him by a day, well it must have been that day he searched for you for about four hours. He said he couldn't think who the Loot was for a long while, he didn't expect you in that area. It was only a week previous to that he heard we were married and thought you were still down on leave. He didn't know we were married last June.
Alan I haven't regretted marrying you for one minute, if I wasn't married to you now I would be dreadfully unhappy, regretting it. It is the wisest thing I ever did, honestly darling, I have settled down, you told me you didn't think I could do that till I was 30. Remember the last night of your leave I told you I wanted to get married and you told me no, what made you changed your mind darling, tell me. I am so glad you did, are
you? We were meant for each other Alan, you are a part of me, neither one of us could have married another, ever, we belong to each other, always.
It is tragic we have been parted so long, but as you say it can't be helped. If you don't get long leave this time, I am going to have Dad write a letter to "Truth", they soon have something done about it. I am enclosing a clipping from to-day's "Truth", it is so unfair expecting so much of so few. I am furious, I think our army lacks any organization whatsoever. It is not myself I am thinking of either, it is you Alan, they expect too much of you, you should be relieved now and some lads who have never left Australia should replace your crowd. Something should be done about it, if I thought I was capable of writing that letter I would right now. I can't understand why the boys mothers tolerate it, surely Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs Wirth and all the other mothers think it unfair. If they trained men down here you wouldn't be indispensable, don't think I would still like to join the A.W.A.S, literally the army stinks, I would prefer to work with the Americans any day.
I am going to close now darling, Mum has just come home and they are all retiring to bed. Goodnight my sweetheart. I love you will all my heart. Think of me & dream of me.
Tons of love, Your wife,
Nancy XXX
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