Brittania Street,
29th Dec, 1943.
My Own Darling Husband,
I received a precious letter from you last night dear, believe me, I treasure every letter I get from you.
I don't know whether I mentioned in my previous letter, don't worry about not being able to give me a Xmas present. I got as much thrill out of your wire as I would from any Xmas
box darling. Of course I wouldn't expect you walk all that way for some money, you shouldn't have walked as far as you did. I sent you three parcels Alan so you can be expecting them, you should have got them by Xmas.
The first paragraph of your letter around my emotions. You say you would have given a year of your life to be with me the night you wrote that letter. I would give a year of mine to be with you now my darling. Alan, do you know what I often do, I lie in bed and pretend it is the room at SeaSpray and you are in bed beside me. I live those nights over & over again, and also the night we spent at Canbara [Canberra Hotel]. Another vivid memory is the drive after we had dined at the Hotel at Tamborine, & also our stay at Southport. I have lots of lovely memories to kindle my emotions till you come home to me dear. To feel your strong, arms embracing me & your body clinging to mine will be heavenly.
Alan, you should be home soon, time flies & before you know where you are you leave will be due.
I can imagine how you would sing "White Xmas", I don't wonder at the boys howling you down.
Don't bring any of your pet beetles home, I am sure I wouldnt like them, the thought of them scares me.
I am having Saturday & Sunday off this weekend, what a break. It is New Years Day Saturday. I will take a wish & pray for you on New Years Eve. I often pray for you in bed at night, it kind of makes me feel better.
Jeff has had Malaria, May had a letter
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