of Hollywood. I had hoped this war would be a revelation to Australian youths. It's more a fool's paradise now than I'd imagined in my wildest dreams. Ironically enough those two boys left their legs in New Guinea to protect all from horror & sober to regard of real men not the kind who plausibly imitate them. I'm not prejudiced either.
Darling do excuse this unromantic apology of a letter. There's nothing in sight to inspire it today & my brain is at its wits end to cope with problems of work. Your loss is your country's gain. Little if any of my energies are wasted.
Xmas is only days off. I know now its not going to be too bad. Peaceful if unexciting.
Cheerio darling. I hope some more of your letters are on the way by runner, and one I'll
keep unopened till Xmas Day. My greatest love pet, never doubt my devotion. I have the
nicest antidote for your worries, if I could send really hungry Xs by post. Happy New Year Nancy darling
Yours devoted loving husband
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