20th 4XP (232)
I saw an amusing sight yesterday. Sitting by his
machine gun an one of the forward perimeters was
a husky, tanned & hairy campaigner hungrily
enjoying a "Pigs Paper". It was ludicrous.
Sgt Goldman has had a lot of dealings wiht
us. We've done work for him almost daily and his
platoon, thank God, saved our bacon once or twice.
What I'm coming to, is that he's Ralphs sgt. Ralph
is away having a course of quinine & the rumour
of his [[?]] was only a rumour. So I may see the
old war horse yet. He's a private again at his own
request, but for Heaven's sake don't let on to his
fiance. I often wish I could vent sometimes and
evade certain responsibilities that possess no future.
We move again this time to above the clouds.
Cold & dripping wet it is.
I read how Gary Cooper was deluged by the fair six
for autographs, while two one-legged youths ex hero
Gunners stood by ignored & unacclaimed. And they
call ours the Age of Reason. Ye Gods. Yet their
cobbers go on suffering and dying in stinking mud
consoling themselves optimistically with thoughts
agony of mind gives rise to. Heroes live on only in
fiction, in real life they die along with the emotion
they're acclaimed with. They're the people creditors,
and like creditors, avoided. But how can you
expect character and sense of Value in girls who's only
conception & interest of the world they live in is the Make Believe
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