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surprisingly like its temperature.

Someone showed me a cutting from a newspaper.
It promised all Troops in our area Turkey for Xmas.
My mouth watered just reading it. Yesterday we
got fresh butter and buns. The nip must get a
hunger for food too 'cos he's beat it and left us
quiet. There's as much work as before but what
a releif to tired nerves.

News was broadcast last night of the invasion
of New Britain. My morale today is pretty high.
Fortunately I wasn't a participant, though it's a
wonder. Anyway there's a deal more to do here yet,
and the frightful old skeleton (the nincompoop) knows
it or else feels it inhis whisky-sodden bones.

I do most of medical work myself now our hospital
is so far back. I draw the line at surgery. I've also
saved myself a lot of work by training a medical
boy. Few of my diagnoses have ever been wrong.
One tricked the MO yesterday. Symptoms were cerebral
malaria, tetanus, & colic. He died of the first. I flooded
a boy's eye with Argysol (brownish fluid) and he went
away blinking. In half an hour he returned in a
panic. My eyes & nose bleeds & I cough blood! I laughed
myself hoarse while I explained it was only the
brown water from his eye, not 'Blud'! We dilated another's
pupil at the A.O.S.. He only had to look at his superstitious
one-talks and they'd bolt. They feared
such an evil eye.

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