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I know no more than that. Dad's not a bad sort of a
pal judging by the tone of his letter. No prejudice in
his make-up. He tried pathetically, almost, to
convince me how proud of me he is. I believe it.
Xmas greetings gave me the excuse to reply to Col's
sweetheart's letter. I signed the letter "Col's brother, Jay"
Jeff wrote how May has been suffering with sinusitis.
You might (May too) be interested to know
one of the reasons for sinus trouble in man.
The two antra set either side of the nose are
drained of mucous by a small hole. When we
walked on all fours the drainage was satisfactory
but since we've become erect the hole is
on the tap & the cavity fills up & sets up infection.
The M.O. I'm cobbers with cured one of his lieutenants
of it with M & B (Sulphanilimide), though he
insists it couldn't be a cure to anyone but this
lieut freak. However the lieut swears by it since he's
had no further trouble for months.

We've been in the clouds here most the day.
I haven't felt any uncomfortable heat for weeks.
It's certainly hot work walking but it takes only
a few minutes to cool down. The humidity felt a
few miles away & in all flat coastal areas is
quite distressing. You become overheated walking
for an hour then it takes long as thirty minutes
to cool down unless there's a rare breeze. This climate
is not quite as invigorating as Tambourine, but

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