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St Leonards,
15th Dec., 1943.

My Own, most Precious Husband,
It is Wednesday and half of our holiday is over now, we go home on Sunday.

On Monday night mum, Stan & I went to the pictures, last night we turned in early and to
night mum is playing Bridge & Stan & I were going skating, but on account of the storm it was postponed. We have been for three surfs, and I am just getting over a severe burning.

St. Leonards is on the Esplanade, remember Jazz Land, the dance hall, well continue up that street & Beach House is on the corner & St. Leonards next door. Beach House is over-run with Americans, they don't take them here, which is a blessing. The Guests here are sweet, mostly married couples, with kiddies, & some young girls. There is a lovely girl staying here, she was talking to me this afternoon and I found out she was married & her husband is in New Guinea. She was telling me how thrilled she will be when he comes home, but believe me she knows what to do in the meantime, has had a date everynight, I wonder whether he would be happy if he knew.

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