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Jeff will be wanting to have a real man to man
chat with junior. Better teach him to talk.English
is a bit difficult for a start. I enclosed a pamphlet
written in Pigen English. It's easy to learn. It says:-
"All Lulemai, Jul Jul, now man belong Government
You, me strong now. All day, All day planes belong
you, me, round im altogether New Guinea belong bombim
ship, shootin launch, buggar up in something
belong Japan. You must look out in master belong
plane suppose all he come down along bush, now the
beach belong you. Hide him good, give him good
fella food, work him bed, suppose by belong all he
no good. Bring him along Kiep (Patrol Officer, Angau.
suppose one fellas stop close to. Altogether he got pass
belong Government. You must help him all.
Government he talk". Simple isn't it, pet?

Better that I mail this letter today.
Wish Mum, Dad, May & Stan a Merry Xmas for
me Nance dear. Free telegrams were issued this year
to forward troops. I had the misfortune to be left
out due to a change of location, and a lazy lost or
Lieut. It bit me in the air slightly.
I'll never stop loving you darling and never tire
of being affectionate. Leave is drawing closer yet I'll
refrain from applying ahead for some psychological
moment. I adore you
Your ever loving husband,
Alan xxxxxxxxxxx
AE Hooper Lieut

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