buzzing I could hear. You know those giant beetles
that you see near street lamps? Well it was bigger
and decidely more repulsive. It flew and fastened
to my face & dug in it's fishhook feet. How it has
jaws like a parrot only bigger (liar) & it scared the
wits out of me. Later I heard a bigger one so I
dived into my dugout and hoisted the draw-bridge.
Well, there's a moat around it anyway. Luckily the
noise turned out to be only a nip. dive bomber. Quickly
I took an exceptionally deep breath thereby forming
an air-pocket which the Jap fell through smartly, but
not able to hold my breath longer, exhaled, and the
D.B. regained altitude.
Ailsa gave me to understand she was tying
the knot on Val's next leave, probably Xmas. Ail's
painfully undemonstrative but for all that she's
happily in love. Phyl's seems to be my only sister
who didn't marry for security or because of that
instinct. In fact she didn't marry at all, did she?
Phyl's address incidentally "Ravensnor", Lethen St, Mayfield.
Do you mind if I don't comment - I've given myself
no time to think about the home situation. In whatever
you do or buy you'll also speak for me.
15th The news again has been ominously quiet. I
set my hopes on some big invasion. Let's hope it's soon.
I'm sure that Jan is approaching the age of
cuteness & childish playfulness. It can't be long now
before Daddy sees him.
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