Two more of your letters came yesterday. I'm
thrilled about the cake. Really pet I feel it awfully
not having had the opportunity to send a
Xmas gift. I spent Sunday trudging miles in
slippery mud & stench going to Divisional Hqrs,
to be told the only cash office was at Rear Hqrs
miles beyond.So don't hold it against me
Goodness Nance it's already 5 o'clock. A bath &
dinner to have, - and nightfall and blackout.
Days go altogether too quickly but i'm sure there's
more than 31 to a month.
If looks could howl me down,I was. Jim &
Doug two of my overseers seemed to mind the
way I sang White Xmas. I don't blame them
considering their prospects. Last night we played
a cunning game of chess by moonlight before
going to bed. I lost in my eagerness to win.
We also had a debate about drunkenness, of all
things. It spoilt my run of pleasant dreams of
you, sweet. I dreamt you'd a passion for grog & had
me sick with the worry of it. My mind certainly
runs riot when I sleep. Amazing, but I have
never had a nightmare on service as many do
in some dive bombers have had a go at me but in
Turnip Land Jap has never occurred to my world of
dreams. I woke yesterday morning while the
moon was still bright, disturbed evidently by the
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