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Lieut AE Hooper
11 Dec 1943

Darling June Bride,

Today we moved; its late
afternoon, misty rain has fallen, and it's chilly
enough to get cosy under the bedclothes. Instead
I'm writing on the edge of my bed, and feeling
very, very lonely for you. You asked if ever
I felt the desire to snuggle into a double bed
and cling to you for warmth. I feel in the
mood now darling. I'd give a year of my life
to be husband-lover again for tonight. To have
your voice whispering encouragingly would be
grand; the glory of your uncovered bosom and
the passionate appeal of luscious twin breasts,
even grander. The months drag wearyingly
by. The future seems so remote my thoughts
dwell more in the romantic past than in the
romance ahead. A reaction of nature I guess
considering my environment.
14th. So much has happened pet to keep
me frommy labour of love, writing. I'm never
really lonely when on the occasions I write.
May I put your mind to rest concerning
the local situation? Remember the song "Silent
Night"? I had the firstlast night - the first of
many to come. Mine might be a merry
Xmas now.

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