and I were only engaged and were planning to be
married. Do you know Violet Hegmer from
over Wynnum, why I should dream about her I
don't know as I don't know her. She was
about six months pregnant and was accusing
you. Believe me I told her off in fine style, but she
insisted it was your fault. She took you to court
& I had to testify. I can still see myself as
plain as anything standing up telling the court
what a great chap you were, and how decent &
steady a life you led, it was all so realistic, but
I called her for everything as she was trying to
trick you into marrying her as she too was in
love with you. It was dreadful for me while
it lasted. I have been having some funny dreams
I took Jan for a swim again this morning
itwas really lovely down there. It was a high
tide, before I went anyway out I was up to my
waist in water. Jan enjoyed it, although he
is a little afraid of sea weed & there was plenty
of it.
The sailor & his cousin left to-day, I didn't
speak more than a dozen words to them although they
went down for a swim with me this morning.
I am going into town to-morrow for the day
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