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Brittania Street,
9th Dec. 1943.

My Own Darling Husband,
I received a letter from you yesterday
Alan I am so sorry to hear you are ill again.
Every time you get fever will you promise me to
report it and get proper medical attention. You have
had far too many attacks & you should be down here
now having a spell. Our Australian Army
certainly lacks organization, perhaps they have
mislaid your records as I have read in the paper
where the lads spend 18 months to a year in the Tropics,
they don't mention the ones that stay there from
three to four years, it makes my blood boil. I
was reading an article in the paper a couple of
nights ago, it is the first article I have read
that mentioned how long the militia have been
in New Guinea & how they were amongst the first
to cross the Kokodo Trail when the Japs were
invading, but it was only just a small paragraph
in a long article.

Coming back from Southport on Monday
I overheard an A.I.F. lad in the next compartment
explaining to force W.A.A.F.s the difference between
the A.I.F and Militia. According to him the

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