I suppose the more mail you get the happier you
feel and I shouldn't resent Audrey writing to you. If
her letters mean anything to you, by all means write
maybe I am too possessive. I think sometimes you have
a divided heart, I pray, Alan my darling husband
your love for me is as definate and steady as mine is
for you. I am confidant right now it is , I pray you
are never influenced otherwise. Your family have such
funny ideas about me, I wonder sometimes, maybe they
will change their ideas in time.
Our uncle moved in here with us one night last
week so don't be surprised to hear any time we have
moved, as we resent it. Especially since her sailor
son marched in on leave yesterday &an A.W.A.S. neice.
He is her second husband & they both have
families their first marriages. I have my
holidays, &am trying to get in down the coast now
to get away from it all,I may get a weeks break.
Mum will go with me if I am lucky.
I took Jan for a swim this morning, it was
nice down there, only for a dog that wanted to play.
Fred, Bridie's husband was down there with his little
daughter & he was playing with this strange dog,
throwing a stick out for it, when he went home the
dog demanded I play. It pranced up & bit me
on the arm, gave us botha fright, beleive me I
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