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Don't worry dear about not being able to write
more often, I understand. Do you know I have
every letter you have written me since you left
three years ago, some bundles are tied with blue ribbon,
I have stacks of them. I forgot to tell you I threw
all the letters away, I had when you left. I destroyed
them many months ago.

Mum received your letter and is really thrilled
with it, I don't know how many times she has read
it, she says it is a lovely letter & I say so too, you are
a real darling and I am a very lucky girl. The
girls at work tell me you are the biggest influence on
my life and it is true. I guess you know that though.

I will inquire about your savings to-morrow,
don't be afraid to ask me to do anything for you, beleive
me it is a pleasure, & I certainly won't find it inconvenient.
The State Insurance sent me a notice
to tell me the payment was overdue some weeks back.
I went in the next day & paid it up till Xmas. Alan
have you only got the three premiums as I have only
been paying three. Two at Colonia Mutual. I had
that book, when I went in to the State Insurance they gave
me a new book. Yes, your old book arrived during
the week, your mother apparently forgot about the
payments. They won't lapse now Alan, so don't
worry about them, I will keep the payments up.

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