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pleasure. Up till time you came home, my greatest
pleasure was dancing, I got a lot of fun out of it,
the only place I ever wanted to go to was a dance, three
nights a week if there were three good dances on.

When you first came home Alan dear I didn't
know just how to take you. I thought you didn't
care as much as I thought you did. I know you think
a lot of Colin, but when you said you were off down to
Melbourne you could have knocked me on the head
with a hammer. Maybe I am selfish with my love
for you, but that is the last thing I wanted you to do,
go so far away from me when I wanted you so much.
Thank God you didn't go, it meant everything to me.

You proved yourself you were the only man ever
for me. I have been wrapped up in you & the
things you did & told me about ever since I have known
you, that is why no-body could ever win my
heart. I have all my trust, faith & love in you my
darling now & alway. Do you know the following
song, if I could sing I would sing it to you darling.
Do I want to be with you as the years come & go?
Only Forever, if you care to know.
Would I grant all your wishes and be proud of the task?
Only Forever if someone should ask.
How long would it take me to be near if you beckoned.
Off-hand I would figure less than a second.
Do you think I'll remember. How you looked when you smiled?
Only Forever, thats putting it mild.

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