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and catlike grace than a european ever dreams of.
They're born orators too with their gestures and softly
modulated voices. They can be capable of the other
extreme too but aren't we men all?

Someday you must take me to Lismore my darling
I'm sure I'd love the place as you do. I fell in love
instantly with Nimbin and Cathedral Rocks and that
isn't far from there.

I don't mind paying a pound for repairs pet. I guess
it's wartime price & it's time I paid for something. They've
put a new springs, new face, hands, winder & glass in it
free even to postage. So they're not so unreasonable.

May I suggest Martha as a name for Juliens, Pearl's,
& Dawn's sister's name? Mar-tha! Jean here you
calling her now, fondling a knotty stick 'neath the
folds of your dress, and grinding your teeth, while
you wait for Cinderella to drop her mud pies to come
quietely to mother. No "Grapes of Wrath" for us pet for all
my fooling. I like the sound of the names you
wrote. I'll remember them. A name that you
choose must be like a classic painting. They're
not usually striking to the senses but something
you appreciate more after every experience of
enjoying it. Nancy has grown on me as a
name & her personality & lovliness likewise. Calendar
or chocolate Box paintings are colourful & eye
arresting but they don't grow on you.

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