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to return here after my leave it will be a peacetime
billet of reconstruction. But I hope for a long spell
south this time.

Would you send me a few magazines or
some light reading matter Nance?At present
there's not a page to read any place.

It rained heavily last night and I slept more
or less soundly in a wet bed. I sleep fully dressed
and keep my boots on most nights. I'm sure you'll
break me of such habits. Yes?

One of my boys lost a leg and seemed very much
depressed until I told him how he can chase his
missus around the house and beat her up with
his wooden leg. Then I told him of Sq Ldr Bader.
The M.D. a colonel, told me to tone down a bit or
the boy would have him cut off the remaining
leg. There are some I'm tearfully proud of
amongst this line of mine. They're heroes & are
spoken of as heroes.

Wish young Stan every success in his scholarship
exam. He ought to do well. Joan is also sitting
this year, so I'm quite interested in the results.
Half your luck darling regards leave. Make
the best of it and don't even worry about spending
money if you decide to spend some of your
holidays away from home. You are in need
of a rest I'm sure. The days are pretty long &
tiring for you, aren't they? Above all enjoy yourself.

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