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busy I am, whether I am walking up Owen
Street, or having a shower I still think of you.
You told me you worship me from morning
to night, you are my life from morning to
night & I love & worship you too.

That drive along the Tamborine Highway
is one of my most cherished memory. I should have
poured out my heart to you there & then, even
although you were driving the car. You mentioned
the way I kissed you, I can't remember ever wanting
to kiss you so much as I did then, I just couldn't
help myself, if you remember I stole a few on
your cheek. It seemed as if there were only you
and I and our car on this earth, nobody mattered
to me. I am so glad I married you Alan
darling, I would be dreadfully unhappy now
if you were still only my fiancee. It was the
best thing I ever did, & I am the luckiest
girl in the world having such a wonderful husband.
We were meant for each other I am sure. I
told you I had been asked to change my mind
while you were away and my answer was, I will
never change my mind till Alan comes back, no
matter how long he is away. Alan, I am
so glad I didn't, if I had I wouldn't feeling
like living now. It must be dreadful to be in

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