Use Military Address Only
Lieut AE Hooper
Nov.23rd 1943
My Darling Nan,
The world is a place much easier to
live in tonight - so far anyway. My heart beats
normal again and my mind is much more orderly.
To do my soul a service I've spent the evening hour
over yonder thinking of what might be, & singing.
Can you understand without going through
mental torture yourself here heavenly peace of mind
and relaxation can be?pet? When the environment gets into
my blood as it does here, I simply must sing and
when I obey the impulse a load is lifted off my
shoulders. When I forget as I often do, melodies that
suit the mood, I sing any notes that harmonise.
I've had the audacity to light a lamp, but I
daren't turn it up too far and my eyes are paining.
The storm I hinted at in this morning's letter has
almost blown itself out and in the morning I'll
strike out again with my cavalcade. I can
visualise the wild joy they'll bring to a very
gallant force. Sorry Ralph isn't here to be seeing
something we could talk about someday together.
I doubt very much if Jeff will be making a
trip to these parts. For his sake I'm not sorry, and
furthermore we'd have no great chance of seeing
one another with so much activity.
IMPORTANT... Any reference to shipping or troop movements will result in the delay or mutilation of your letters.
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