Brittania Street,
22 Nov. 1943.
My Own Darling Husband,
I received a beautifully written letter
from you last night, the first couple of pages thrilled
me, the latter part of the letter worried me. You
mentioned sleepless nights and a few other little things
that played on my mind, & believe me I had a
sleepless night. Jan sleeps alongside of me in his
cot, he woke crying about 2:30 a m & woke me, and
I didn't doze off again. You said your C.O. didn't want
you around H.Q's as you upset his assumed dignity.
I lay in bed thinking and all the things I was going
to do to that C.O., I was thinking I would write him
a letter, & tell him what I thought of him, sitting
back in a high chair like Lord Muck giving orders.
Don't worry darling, I wouldn't think of doing
that now, those were my thoughts in the wee
hours of the morning when I had just just woken.
We had a discussion about his sentiments towards you
when you were home, & I told you to use tact. Alan
please don't upset his dignity darling, let him think
he is right even if he isn't. You must take orders
to be able to give them yourself, it is only natural
if he dosn't like you, he won't consider you at all
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